The power of music

Work for me has been one hellacious migraine inducing day after the other for the past month. I have been so stressed out it’s making me physically ill, however I am of the mindset that I don’t want to quit just because things have suddenly gotten extremely overwhelmingly hard. At times like these it is a blessing when you suddenly discover a new song that suddenly makes things seem all right, that song for me once before was Morning Musume’s I Wish. At this moment in my life, it is Melon Kinenbi’s Saa! Koibito ni Narou.

I can’t tell you how much of a godsend this song has been to me as of late. I listen to it constantly, it’s a breath of fresh air when I’m ready to throw in the towel and run screaming into the night. The beat, the lyrics, and especially the PV are extremely motivational for me at the moment, and that in itself is like therapy. The bright yellow color scheme and the blue sky motif… I want to be there too!

One Response to “The power of music”

  1. International Wota » Blog Archive » [Blogs] Hello!Girl Saved By Melon Kinenbi Says:

    […] The power of music […]

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